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A Message from Anne Marie Crawford

Posted about 6 years ago by Lori Kelley

At the Special Needs Nurses' Luncheon at the Conference last year, it was suggested that we publish suggestions for topics of discussion beforehand, so nurses could come prepared. Here are some conversation starters for this year's luncheon:

  1. Screenings- we all do them!  What challenges do you have when screening your students? What tips or tricks do you use that bring you greater success? Do you have specific equipment that you use? Maybe you mold your environment in certain way that is helpful.
  2. Has this ever happened to you? A teacher from the autism support classroom calls you asking if the new student from the IU has any food restrictions or allergies; and your response is, "what new student?"  

How do you handle the "suprise" student? How can we improve communication with our sending organizations or school districts? How about facilitating information between teachers and the health office- sometimes the teacher is in more frequest communication with the parents, and may hear about doctor's appontments or new diagnoses before the nurse does. What struggles do you have with communication? What strategies for success do you have to share?