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PASNAP is pleased to announce that we have begun the process of offering FREE ACT 48 Webinars on our website

Posted about 4 years ago by Lori Kelley

Attention all PASNAP members. PASNAP is pleased to announce that we have begun the process of offering FREE ACT 48 Webinars on our website. We hope to have offerings increase as time progresses but wanted to offer those that have received so far.  We understand many are in urgent need of taking on-line courses during this difficult time as part of their work requests for continuing education. 

To gain access to these FREE ACT 48 offerings please click on the FREE ACT 48 WEBINAR  icon and look down the list of offerings. Some will be offered at specific time/dates and others listed prior to today’s date will be offered whenever convenient for you to view. REQUIRED TO RECEIVE CREDIT YOU WILL NEED TO COMPLETE THE EVALUATION FORM after viewing the Webinar offering.

PLEASE BE SURE TO USE YOUR OFFICIAL ACT 48 NAME and CORRECT ACT 48 number or your entry into the ACT 48 website will be bounced and a delay will occur in being able to post to the state PERMS site. PLEASE KNOW THIS IS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR CURRENT PASNAP MEMBERS AS A BENEFIT OF MEMBERSHIP.