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Templates to Contact Your Senator Regarding School Nurse to Student Ratios

Posted over 2 years ago by Holly Verderame

This announcement has 2 attachments:

Two bills have been introduced by Pennsylvania lawmakers that would decrease the school nurse to student ratio from 1:1500, down to 1:750.  School nurses have been supportive of decreases in the ratio for many years, and the increased responsibilities we have been forced to assume with COVID-19  may convince lawmakers of the needed change. Attached are 2 templates which can be used to address your state senator (SB 791) and your state legislator (HB 102). PASNAP members are also encouraged to add their own personal stories to the letter. Please also consider scheduling an appointment and meeting with your legislator over the holiday break to make all of your voices heard and inform our legislators of your current experience and its impact on our state’s children. Also attached are talking points provided by PSEA.