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Urgent--Please Contact your Representative in Harrisburg

Posted 2 months ago by Lori Kelley

This announcement has 3 attachments:
SB 1208 (68 KB)

Dear PASNAP Members,


I am reaching out to you regarding an important piece of legislation that has been proposed and has passed the Senate Education Committee. This bill creates an "Individualized Medication Plan" to be written for students requiring emergency medication at school, and allows undetermined emergency medications to be carried and self-administered by a student. Please note that this legislation is different from the proposed legislation to allow unlicensed personnel to give emergency seizure medication. This bill refers to "medication for medical emergencies not able to be treated by an asthma inhaler or epinephrine auto-injector."


PASNAP opposes this bill. We believe that this risks the safety of all children in the school setting. Please read the attached information. Then reach out to your State Senators personally to help them understand the risks involved in such a bill. 


Thank you,

Anne-Marie Crawford, MSN RN NCSN

PASNAP President