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critical piece of legislation that recently passed the Senate Education Committee and now requires our immediate attention.

Posted 2 months ago

This announcement has 2 attachments:
SB 1208 (68 KB)

Dear PASNAP Members,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention a critical piece of legislation that recently passed the Senate Education Committee and now requires our immediate attention.

The proposed bill introduces the concept of an "Individualized Medication Plan" for students necessitating emergency medication at school. It permits the carrying and self-administration of unspecified emergency medications by students, excluding asthma inhalers and epinephrine auto-injectors.

PASNAP firmly opposes this legislation due to our concerns about the potential risks it poses to the safety of all children in the school environment. Detailed information about our stance is attached for your review.

It is imperative that each of us takes action now by personally contacting our State Senators. We must ensure they understand the risks associated with this bill and the implications it could have for the health and well-being of our students.

Here’s how you can help:

  1. Contact Your State Senator: Look up your senator’s contact information and reach out to them promptly. Share your concerns about the legislation and emphasize its potential impact on school safety. To access the state database for information about how to contact your Senate members please go to On the left hand side, under "Find your Legislator", pick the Senate and fill in your address.

  2. Review Attached Information: Take a moment to review the detailed information we have provided regarding our opposition to this bill. It will equip you with the necessary insights to articulate our position effectively.

  3. Spread the Word: Encourage your fellow PASNAP members to join us in advocacy efforts. The more voices we have, the stronger our message will resonate with legislators. Consider sharing this information with your friends who also work in schools, like teachers, secretaries and para-professionals.

Thank you for your dedication to the health and safety of our students. Your active participation in this advocacy effort is crucial in safeguarding our school environments.

Warm regards,

Anne-Marie Crawford, MSN RN NCSN
PASNAP President


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